Wednesday, February 2, 2011

January 29th, 2011

Yikes! It's been a week since the last posting! Things have been busy at the rescue. All the usual volunteers were out working with horses this week: Katie, Kassi, Sam, Sasha, Michelle the Carrot Lady, Kim and daughters, Becca, and Alecia. Below are pictures of Sasha working with Vanilla Bean. Vanilla bean is a happy pony with her new friend, Sasha! She is learning all sorts of good things.

We also had a new volunteer as well! Ben used to work at a Morgan breeding and training facility and wants to help with ground training some of the younger horses at Hytyme. He is also a professional photographer, and brought his camera out to take pictures of the horses. Ben's pictures are forthcoming! We are happy to have him around to help!

Chuck was out trimming horses' hooves on Saturday as well. He worked on Buddy, Hope, and Abby, all privately owned and boarded horses. He also examined Dallas as well. Recently, Dallas had a setback in her recovery, so Sam soaked her feet and used an easyboot to keep them dry. Dallas was moved back indoors and seemed to be feeling better with Sam's good work. During her check-up, Chuck noticed Dallas' foot rotates to the side, and that perhaps some of her ligaments are injured or have calcified. We will continue to monitor her feet and get to the bottom of her lameness issues. 

Chuck also worked on Dunny's feet. When Dunny arrived at Hytyme a number of years ago, he was in a lot of pain. His entire front set of muscles had wasted away, giving him a narrow, bowlegged look from the front. Years of hard work and then subsequent neglect put Dunny in bad shape. A number of volunteers have worked with Dunny, and try to help him feel more comfortable. Scott is Dunny's good friend, and when Scott is at the barn, he often takes Dunny out for special attention. Dunny's also had chiropractic and other muscular work done. Sometimes he gets better, and you can tell how good he feels because he runs with the rest of the herd. Other times, though, he moves with a slow, stilted gait. 
 Ben held Dunny during Chuck's trim, and Dunny did quite well. After the trim, he seemed to be feeling sore, so he was given some bute in his grain. Ben brushed him as well. We'll keep watching Dunny, too, to make sure that he is feeling okay, and that he's able to enjoy his life without so much pain.

On the 29th, Jim, Sherry, Becca, and Sam attended a Lameness Seminar at Eagle Fern Equine Hospital. Our vet, David, did an excellent job explaining the structure of the equine knee and hock. His presentation detailed all the injuries and treatments in those critical joints. It was an informative lecture with lots of slides to show the inner workings of the knee and hock. The other advantage to this seminar was getting to sample the many delicious deserts! One of the vet clinic's clients is a pastry chef, and she delivered many lovely snacks! Cookies, tiramisu, brownies, cupcakes--all delicious! Informative and delicious. The best kind of seminar.

This week, we also had some good news. We had some wonderful donations of tack, blankets, a feeder, grooming supplies, feed and vitamins. We can't thank our donors enough. We appreciate every donation to the rescue! The horses do, too!

But we got  some truly wonderful news this week. Jim and Sherry's niece in California has been battling a brain tumor for the last nine years. Recently, she found out that she is eligible for a new kind of advanced treatment that she's wanted to try for some time. Although we all may go through hard times, we can gain courage and strength from watching someone undergo such difficult treatment with grace and dignity.  It's excellent news that she will be involved in this new treatment. She is an inspiration!

A word from Jim:

Sometimes I wonder what keeps me going at this.  It is a little strange, a guy liking and working with horses.  It's not a riding thing.  Actually, I don't like to ride very much at all.  Ever since that one day in November of 2005 when we met Heidi and Ryan at a feedlot in Eastern Washington, things have changed.  To see it first hand and find out what it is really like for those poor horses changes a person.  Sherry and I were never the same after that point.  To this day, every time I go out in the field with the rescue horses, there is a feeling of reverence that consumes my body.  Kind of spiritual.  That's about the best I can explain it.  Anyway, I like the feeling.

More soon!

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