Thursday, October 27, 2011

A letter from Jim:

To Hytyme Friends and Supporters:

In the last few weeks, I have been in touch with several news organizations to discuss the situation surrounding the state of Oregon's insurance claim. We've had a few segments on KOIN news, and reporters from the Estacada News and The Oregonian have been out to the barns for interviews.

While our predicament is a difficult one, we want to make one thing clear. Hytyme Equine Rescue is not going out of business, and we are not losing our house and property--at least not yet. We can't say for sure if this situation will or will not be the demise of Hytyme Equine Rescue.  As it stands, the future isn't clear for us.  Until this is straightened out, Hytyme will not be in a growth mode.  Needless to say, we cannot afford more rescue horses, but we do intend to support those currently in our care. If the State does win, the rescue will be the very last thing to go.  We always have to remember that these horses did not choose to come here and live.  They were invited.  We are responsibile for their care, no matter what happens.

Surprisingly, this has been a positive experience.  Because of all of you, we are getting more help than ever, plus equine rescues are getting some much needed publicity.  Think about this--how many people actually know what happens to most horses after a stock auction? How many  people have seen what a horse rescued from slaughter looks like once it has been rehabilitated? How many people have been lucky enough to spend time in the presence of so many wonderful equine personalities?

As always, thank you. If you would like to help, we are happy to accept donations for the care of the horses at our facility. We have several senior residents who require special feeds, and we always have a need for donated feed and veterinary supplies. We would also appreciate advice and support from those who have legal experience in these types of situations. Please contact me at if you would like to help. We just want to keep doing what we do best here at Hytyme--helping horses live happy, peaceful lives.
Thank you!
Jim Elliott
Hytyme Equine Rescue

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