Friday, December 14, 2012

December 14th, 2012

It's been a sad week at Hytyme. We lost one of our original equine residents, the wonderful Coal. In his former life, Coal was a hunter-jumper pony, and he arrived at the rescue dyed black to disguise his grey hairs and obvious age. He also had a heart murmur. He was totally devoted to two horses and a donkey during his tenure at Hytyme: Masquerade (pictured above and below), Old Christy, and Rosa. Coal was probably at least thirty years old, and he'd been doing so well this past year thanks to a personalized feeding system. 

 He was a good friend, and we'll all miss him forever. What a good horse--a true character. Goodbye, Coal.

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Friday, November 23, 2012

Exciting (and delicious!) fundraiser!

Hi everyone! Happy Thanksgiving from all of the humans and horses at Hytyme! Hopefully you've enjoyed a lovely day with your family and friends (equine members included!).

 We've got an exciting new partnership to announce for the upcoming holiday season! Zara May's Handcrafted Fudge, makers of all-natural and organic fudge, want to help the Hytyme horses and have established a fundraiser for us. They'll donate 25% of their fudge sales to our rescue! 

Here's the link to the order forms, where you can peruse all the delicious options:

They're also displaying some of our current and former horses on their site--Hope, Shannon, Ada, Christy, and Masquerade and Coal. 

Share the link with your friends! Who doesn't want fudge for the holidays?

Thanks again to Zara's, and thanks to all of our friends!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

November 18th, 2012

Yikes! Where has the time gone? Our last post was all the way back in September...things are looking mighty different at Hytyme since our last update. It was dry and dusty back it feels like a typical Oregon winter. The mud is back...

Luckily, thanks to Katie's research, we've found a fantastic new way to feed the Hytyme horses. We're using small-hole haynets, and it is definitely cutting down on the wasted hay. The horses really seem to enjoy having something to do in their stalls. What a great idea!
Gracie loves her haynet!

Before we get into pictures of the mud, here are some nice shots of the barn before everything got damp. However, the grass is growing and the field is green again!

Super volunteer Diane and Chino


We also had a visit from an old friend. In 2010, the Oregon Trail Primary School came out to meet the horses. They also made a wonderful donation. Katie Zimmer, one of the students on that 2010 visit came to Hytyme with her mother. They collected over $70 in donations and went to Burns Feed to buy us some much needed items! Shampoo, wormer, horse treats, hoof picks, and more! Katie is now a fifth grader, and she and her mom will be volunteering again in the future. Thank you so much!

Friday, September 14, 2012

September 14th, 2012

Hello again! We've had a great stretch of warm weather, but fall is on the way. All the hay for the winter has been delivered, the horses are getting fuzzy, and the leaves are starting to turn. 

Things are great at the barn! The Hytyme Drum horses did very well at the Oregon State Fair last month, and we're looking forward to the arrival of Alex's horse as a new boarder. Jim's been working hard on the area behind the arena. It was filled with weeds, chunks of concrete, and dirt left over from the arena's construction. Now it looks like this:

Despite the small signs that fall is on the way, it's been extremely hot and dusty for the past few weeks. We're not complaining just yet--the mud will be back before we know it! There are also several fires around the northwest contributing to our hazy skies. Here are some scenes from Hytyme over the past few days. Lots of horses, lots of dust!

Dust dust dust!  A video of the arena sprinklers and Hytyme residents in action.

And here is Coal, who is sharing his old horse mush with some friends.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

August 15th, 2012

We had a really nice gift this week! Michelle's brother brought out a bunch of apples from his place just down the road from us. The horses were so happy!

It sure has been hot and dusty out at the barn (which is preferable to mud and rain!), but our new volunteer Trina has done a lovely job of clearing out the walkways between the barn and arena. The blackberries and weeds were getting out of control! Thanks, Trina!

And last, here is a video of Alex riding Peanut Butter Boy. What a good team!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

August 1st, 2012

It was  a sad day at Hytyme today. We lost one of our original rescue residents, the very sweet and elegant Juliet. 

Those of you who have been to the rescue might know the story of Juliet and Tempest. If not, here's a memorial for Juliet written by Jim:

"Here lies Juliet.  Became very ill on August 1st 2012 and had to be relieved of her misery.  Juliet's best friend was Tempest who has been with her since both were picked up at a feed lot over six years ago.  Have no idea if they were together before the feed lot.  Tempest was almost blind then and can just see shadows now.  Juliet was not only Tempest's eyes, but she was also her body guard.  Up until about two years ago they were both in the big pasture with 20 to 40 horses.  Heaven help any horse who got close to Tempest.  Juliet was like a mare protecting her foal.  We will all miss her. She was a good, a very good horse and friend."

It's been one of our concerns for some time--what will happen to Tempest when Juliet is gone? As her seeing-eye horse, Juliet kept Tempest safe. Tempest was very dependent on Juliet. 

Jim put Tempest in with Braveheart, and all seems well tonight. We hope these two can have an equally rewarding friendship.  

So rest in peace, Juliet. We will miss you very much. 

Saturday, July 28, 2012

July 28th, 2012

Hello again! It's been forever since our last blog post, but you know how sometimes no news is good news? This summer has been fun and easy for the horses and humans of Hytyme! All the horses have been enjoying the sunshine and the good pasture time. All the regulars are doing fine with their horses! But we'll get back in the regular blogging habit soon. Promise.

We have some excellent new volunteers! Katie (a new Katie!) has been working hard with the horses available for adoption and the horses we'd like to think about as lesson horses in the future. This is Katie in the photo above with a very well-groomed Smarty! Thanks so much for all your help, Katie!

The picture above is Trina, who cleared the blackberries around the arena. Thank you so much for your hard work, Trina! It's not quite as daunting to manuever around the outside of the arena anymore! It's back to it's natural path-like state.

Thank you to all the volunteers and friends of Hytyme! 

Here are some summer pictures of our rescue herd. Everyone is looking so sleek and shiny! 

So let's make this into a fun game. Can you name the horses below? Post your answers in the comments or on the Facebook page. The answers will be published in the next blog. Good luck! 







Monday, May 21, 2012

May 21st, 2012

It's Coal!!!

Coal has been at Hytyme for a long time. In his former life, he was a hunter/jumper pony. In the last few months, Coal seemed on the decline. However, with careful feeding from Katie, Sam, and Kassi;  Bowen therapy from Katherine; and regular grooming by Vickie, Coal is feeling (and looking!) better than ever. 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

May 17th, 2012

Hello again! 

Here's a neat slideshow of the road to the barns taken from April 4th until May 15th. Hytyme Lane, spring to summer:

Things are just fine at the barn! The horses are in from the big field to let the grass regenerate for a while. Yesterday, Dr. Rosario was out to do a wellness exam for Turk (who is moving to Colorado in a few weeks!) and Hope (who has not been feeling so well). Dr. Rosario also performed some chiropractic adjustments on Katie's horses, Story and Charm. It was a nice day out at the barn yesterday (although the horses who saw the vet may feel differently). 

More to come! 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

May 9th, 2012

Hello again! More news--hopefully, with the upcoming summer weather and potential upcoming adoptions, we'll be posting much more regularly on this blogs. It's been a fairly uneventful few weeks out at the rescue (which is good!). We're slowly drying out from our winter mud, and all the horses are shedding their heavy coats. Everything has been just fine otherwise! 

Here's a picture of Katie Mae snoozing in the barn. That's Braveheart, checking in on her. The big field is open to many of the horses now. They all seem quite happy about that!
Katie Mae takes a nap:

We had some wonderful visitors yesterday. Chuck was there to trim hooves, and Nathalie, who wrote the essay about Hytyme last year, and her crew from the Oregon Episcopal School were out to volunteer. We owe them a big thanks! They mucked out all the stalls and washed the fence. Then they got to play with the baby drum horses, April and Derby. 

Here are some pictures of their time at the rescue:

Thanks again to the OES group--we hope you enjoyed your day at the barn! Thanks to all of our volunteers and friends, too! More updates soon!